Top 5 Things to do While High | Vitae Glass

Best Things to do While Stoned

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I live a very productive, fulfilling life that requires my brain to be super sharp, especially in a startup environment. They say work hard, play hard, which I think everyone should live by plus getting a little high is the icing on the cake. Certainly, when we are high, don’t you want to make the most of it? These are my favorite things to do while I am a little high, and I’d like to share with you.

Watching movies high VITAE Glass
Is there a one-star review movie that you always want to watch, but you hesitate because you know it would suck? Being high will instantly enhance the experience and blow your mind, and possibly provide you that little bit of patience and little bit of different perspective to appreciate a movie that you otherwise would not have been able to finish through to the end. I do this every time when I know I am about to watch a terrible movie. Suddenly, it would become the best movie I ever watched. Go and try it out for yourself!

Listening to music high VITAE glass
To me, listening to good music while high for the first time was a life-changing experience. It is hard to explain; music helps me to feel calm and reduce stress. Helpful tip: Set 30 minutes timer, put on your headphones or earplugs, and lay in bed and listen to your favorite music and close your eyes. Heard of an astral plane experience? If not – well look it up, light it up and enjoy!

Going to the beach high VITAE glass
At the beach
When you’re high, it enhances your senses and what better way to take your high to the next level than the beach. The colors of the ocean as it changes with the sunrise or sunset, the birds soaring above the glistening waters, the feel of the soft sand under your feet, and the surge of fresh air tantalizes your senses in more ways than one. I am very fortunate to live near a beach and frequent it daily. With cannabis, it tends to put me into a meditative state of mind, and I just close my eyes and listen to the ocean waves and revel in all the feels, sights, sounds and smells. Just ask Tim Maly, Co-owner of Weedtube, where his favorite smoking spot is, his answer would be at the beach! Helpful tips: Bring a beach towel, headphones, snacks, and sunscreen.

Doing chores high VITAE glass
No one likes to do chores. It’s boring and time-consuming. However, it’s a very relaxing and rewarding experience when you are high. I never feel rushed or pressured. From cleaning my bongs, washing my car, doing laundry, cleaning dishes, gardening, carpeting – anything you’ve been putting off around the house? Try it while you’re high and it’ll be less of a chore and more of a relaxing activity.

Doing yoga high VITAE glass
1-hour cardio? No thanks! But doing it while high make times pass quicker. I do my long runs in the weekend, and I definitely need the extra boost along with my music to get the job done. Want to take yoga to another level? With yoga, it feels so amazing to feel every muscle group relax and stretch. I will interview a ganja yoga instructor about this topic soon, so look out for the upcoming blog.

There you have it, the top 5 things that I do while high. Whatever you choose, make sure you are aware of your surroundings, and whether or not it is appropriate to use cannabis. I have seen people get so high that they do things that might potentially hurt themselves and the people around them. Don’t ever be that person!

What are your top activities while high? Share with us below! Some of the activities listed are outdoors and actually inspired the birth of VITAE Glass - our bongs are detachable so you can have a worry-free great time wherever you go.

Looking for a smoother, durable, and healthier bong? VITAE Glass is perfect for you. It is designed especially for daily and busy smokers.

VITAE Glass Build a bong

Check out our other blogs:

How to Clean a Bong Like a Pro
How to remove a stuck downstem

Other VITAE Blogs

Martin is the Co-Founder of VITAE Glass. He is a CBD strains fanatic, and he loves to be at the beach and mountains whenever he can.

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